Education and awareness about mental health are important parts of recovery.
We’ve selected a few resources that may be helpful if you’d like to learn more.
The International OCD Foundation
This is an amazing organization that does incredible work for the OCD community. They raise awareness, contribute to research, educate clinicians, and provide resources for OCD sufferers. They also run a top-notch annual conference, which I highly recommend for individuals with OCD, their loved ones, and clinicians alike. The IOCDF database is also a good place to start when looking for OCD specialists and support groups.
OCD North Carolina
This is the North Carolina affiliate of the IOCDF. They do much of the same work as their parent organization, the IOCDF, though they do it on a local scale.
Peace of Mind
This is another great OCD resource, incorporating advocacy, support, and education. There are some great videos recorded by OCD specialists (including myself) which highlight some of the OCD sub-types and the intricacies of OCD treatment.
The TLC Foundation for Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors
This is the largest organization that provides education, support, and advocacy for BFRB's (hair-pulling, skin-picking, nail-biting, etc.). Their website has a ton of information about these conditions as well as some amazing resources for both sufferers and clinicians.
Anxiety and Depression Association of America
The ADAA site has a lot of information about the different kinds of anxiety disorders. Their blog features articles written by clinicians and often has some interesting perspectives and helpful strategies related to anxiety. They also hold an annual conference.
National Alliance on Mental Illness
NAMI is a national organization that focuses on providing support and resources to individuals and families dealing with mental illness. They are a great place to start for families who are trying to figure out what kinds of services they might be qualified for and how to connect with those services.
The Association for Contextual Behavioral Science
ACBS is the place to go for all things related to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). There are some great resources, as well as information on trainings and research.