Bull City Anxiety & OCD Treatment Center is a specialty practice in Durham, North Carolina providing compassionate, evidence-based treatment for Anxiety, OCD, and OC-Spectrum Disorders.

Treatment for OCD & Anxiety Disorders

Bull City Anxiety & OCD Treatment Center offers specialized treatment for a variety of mental health conditions. We value evidence-based treatment and we’re passionate about ensuring that our clients receive the best care possible. We offer individual therapy, an intensive treatment program, and treatment groups.

Training & Consultation

We offer live and on-demand training for clinicians seeking to hone their skills in the latest evidence-based treatment practices. Please reach out to us to discuss options for live training. Our on-demand training for therapists can be found here.


Bull City Anxiety & OCD Treatment Center employs a specialist model — we emphasize training and education to ensure that our clinicians bring expertise to their work and can offer a true speciality for our clients. Check out some of the treatment modalities commonly used in our practice.

Learn More About Our Practice